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Form Components


By default your form is just rendered with a <form> tag. You can pass props to it via formProps:

ariaLabel: "label",

Custom Form Component

The recommended approach is to provide a custom form component as the second parameter to createTsForm options, it will get passed an onSubmit function, and it should also render its children (these are your input components):

const mapping = [
] as const

function MyCustomFormComponent({
children: ReactNode,
onSubmit: ()=>void,
aThirdProp: string,
}) {
return (
<form onSubmit={onSubmit}>
<img src={""} className="w-4 h-4">
{/* children is you form field components */}
<button type="submit">submit</button>
// MyCustomFormComponent is now being used as the container instead of the default <form> tag.
const MyForm = createTsForm(mapping, {FormComponent: MyCustomFormComponent});

// formProps is typesafe to your form component's props (and will be required if there is
// required prop).
aThirdProp: "prop"

Accessing the react-hook-form prop

If you need to access the react-hook-form form prop (what's returned from useForm), you can use useFormContext exported from react-hook-form:

import {useFormContext} from 'react-hook-form';

function MyCustomFormComponent({
children: ReactNode,
onSubmit: ()=>void,
}) {
const form = useFormContext();