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Schema Collisions

Dealing with collisions

Some times you may want to use multiple types for the same zod schema type. You can deal with collisions using createUniqueFieldSchema:

const PhoneNumberSchema = createUniqueFieldSchema(
z.string().regex(/[0-9]{10}/, "Please enter a valid phone number"),
"phone" // You need to pass a string ID, it can be anything but has to be set explicitly and be unique.

const mapping = [
[z.string(), TextField] as const,
[MyUniqueFieldSchema, PhoneNumberField] as const,
] as const;

const MyFormSchema = z.object({
mapsToNormal: z.string(), // renders as a NormalTextField component
mapsToUnique: PhoneNumberSchema, // renders as a UltraTextField component.

This can allow you to use similar zod schemas for rendering different types of components.

Handling Optionals

@ts-react/form will match optionals to their non optional zod schemas:

const mapping = [[z.string(), TextField]] as const;

const FormSchema = z.object({
optionalEmail: z.string().email().optional(), // renders to TextField
nullishZipCode: z.string().min(5, "5 chars please").nullish(), // renders to TextField

Your zod-component-mapping should not include any optionals. If you want a reusable optional schema, you can do something like this:

const mapping = [[z.string(), TextField]] as const;

export const OptionalTextField = z.string().optional();