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Quick Start


Make sure you have "strict": true in your tsconfig.json compilerOptions and make sure you set your editors typescript version to v4.9 or above (or intellisense won't be as reliable).

Install package and dependencies with your preferred package manager:

Install package

npm install @ts-react/form

Required peer dependencies

npm install zod react-hook-form @hookform/resolvers

Or use yarn / pnpm


Create a zod-to-component mapping to map zod schemas to your components then create your form with createTsForm() (typically once per project):

import { createTsForm } from "@ts-react/form";
import { z } from "zod";

// create the mapping
const mapping = [
[z.string(), TextField],
[z.boolean(), CheckBoxField],
[z.number(), NumberField],
] as const; // 👈 `as const` is necessary

// A typesafe React component
const MyForm = createTsForm(mapping);

Now just create form schemas with zod and pass them to your form:

const SignUpSchema = z.object({
email: z.string().email("Enter a real email please."), // renders TextField
password: z.string(),
address: z.string(),
favoriteColor: z.enum(["blue", "red", "purple"]), // renders DropDownSelect and passed the enum values
isOver18: z.boolean(), // renders CheckBoxField

function MyPage() {
function onSubmit(data: z.infer<typeof SignUpSchema>) {
// gets typesafe data when form is submitted

return (
renderAfter={() => <button type="submit">Submit</button>}
// optional typesafe props forwarded to your components
email: {
className: "mt-2",

That's it! Adding a new field to your form just means adding an additional property to the schema.

It's highly recommended that you create a custom form component to handle repetitive stuff (like rendering the submit button).